Meeting: |
North Yorkshire Police, Fire and Crime Panel |
Venue: |
Brierley Room, County Hall, Northallerton DL7 8AD |
Date: |
Thursday, 11 January 2024 at 11.45 am |
This meeting is being held as an in-person meeting that is being broadcasted and recorded and will be available to view via
Recording is allowed at North Yorkshire Council, committee and sub-committee meetings which are open to the public, please give due regard to the Council’s protocol on audio/visual recording and photography at public meetings, a copy of which is available from Democratic Services. Anyone wishing to record is asked to contact, prior to the start of the meeting, the Democratic Services Officer whose details are at the foot of the first page of the Agenda. We ask that any recording is clearly visible to anyone at the meeting and that it is non-disruptive.
1. |
Welcome and apologies |
2. |
Declarations of Interest All Members are invited to declare at this point any interests they have in items appearing on this agenda, including the nature of those interests. |
3. |
Consideration of the Exclusion of the Press and Public To consider the exclusion of the press and public from the meeting during consideration of the item of business listed in column 1 of the following table on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in the paragraph specified in column 2, of Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972 as amended by the Local Government (Access to Information)(Variation)Order 2006:-
4. |
Public Questions or Statements to the Panel · Any member of the public, who lives, works or studies in North Yorkshire and York can ask a question to the Panel. The question or statement must be put in writing to the Panel no later than midday on Monday, 8th January 2024 to Diane Parsons (contact details below). · The time period for asking and responding to all questions will be limited to 30 minutes. No one question or statement shall exceed 3 minutes. · Please see the rules regarding Public Question Time at the end of this agenda page. The full protocol can be found at |
5. |
Progress on Issues Raised by the Panel Update report from the Panel Secretariat. |
(Pages 5 - 8) |
6. |
Members' Questions |
7. |
HMICFRS re-visit outcomes for the North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service and North Yorkshire Police For the Panel to note and/or comment on the published findings of the inspectorate following their re-assessment of progress against Causes of Concern previously highlighted for each service. |
(a) |
North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service - HMI letter on Causes for Concern (published 19 October 2023) |
(Pages 9 - 14) |
(b) |
North Yorkshire Police - HMI letter regarding Causes for Concern (published 6 December 2023) |
(Pages 15 - 18) |
Focus on: Realising our potential |
8. |
Setting the Precepts for 2024/25: Police and Fire and Rescue ‘Pre-precept’ report from the Commissioner setting out the provisional funding settlements for both services, with additional context around the current precept consultation and future planning assumptions. |
(Pages 19 - 46) |
9. |
Organisational Review of North Yorkshire Police Report from the Commissioner outlining the findings and implications of the recent organisational review. |
(Pages 47 - 52) |
Other reports |
10. |
Mayoral Devolution and Implications for Panel Governance Reports from the Secretariat providing information on the implications for the Panel following devolution and seeking agreement to changes to the Panel’s Arrangements. |
(a) |
Devolution Implications and Governance Changes |
(Pages 53 - 60) |
(b) |
Panel Arrangements |
(Pages 61 - 76) |
11. |
Work Programme Report by the Panel Secretariat. |
(Pages 77 - 80) |
12. |
Any other items Any other items which the Chair agrees should be considered as a matter of urgency because of special circumstances. |
13. |
Date of Next Meeting Monday, 05 February 2024 at 10:30am – County Hall, Northallerton. |
14. |
Closed Session - Organisational Review of North Yorkshire Police For the North Yorkshire Police, Fire and Crime Panel to be provided with additional briefing and context regarding the ongoing organisational review of North Yorkshire Police. |
Barry Khan
Assistant Chief Executive (Legal and Democratic Services)
County Hall
(a) Members are reminded of the need to consider whether they have any personal or prejudicial interests to declare on any of the items on this agenda. The Panel Secretariat officer will be pleased to advise on interest issues. Ideally their views should be sought as soon as possible and preferably prior to the day of the meeting, so that time is available to explore adequately any issues that might arise.
(b) Members of the public may put questions or statements to the Panel and these must be submitted to the officer detailed below three working days in advance of the meeting, for consideration by the Chair. The full protocol for public questions can be found at
Contact Details:
Diane Parsons
Panel Secretariat
Tel: (01609) 532750